JharkhandPedia.com is an online platform which is meant to provide the competitive materials related to different exams conducted by Govt. of Jharkhand . In addition to study materials we also provides Jharkhand Job alerts , Exam results etc. These exams includes Jharkhand Public Service Commision ( JPSC ),  Jharkhand Staff Selection Commision  ( JSSC CGL ) ,  Jharkhand Police, Jharkhand Daroga, Jharkhand B.ED, Jharkhand Sachivalay Sahayak,  Jharkhand Panchayat Sachiv, Jharkhand Excise Constable, PGT , TGT etc.Director

JharkhandPedia.com एक ऑनलाइन एजुकेशनल प्लेटफार्म है जहाँ झारखंड लोक सेवा आयोग , झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग , शिक्षक एवं दरोगा नियुक्ति इत्यादि विभिन्न परीक्षा में उपयोगी Jharkhand related GK एवं Jharkhand Current affairs का समावेशन है |